Permanent Projections
My desk (2019)
Envelop work, appeared in Forum #1 maart 2018, a magazine on architecture
Images made in chewinggum wrappers
My desk (2019)
Foreign boats: not a song of war but of desire
Part of a performance
The mountains last year, part of a performance
Wall at Trading Post, Roma, Lesotho
In Frames I use the windows of envelopes and gum wrappers as a starting point for images. Frames is a project I keep returning to.
Part of a performance
The mountains last year, part of a performance
Wall at Trading Post, Roma, Lesotho
In Frames I use the windows of envelopes and gum wrappers as a starting point for images. Frames is a project I keep returning to.
Envelop work, appeared in Forum #1 maart 2018, a magazine on architecture
Images made in chewinggum wrappers
I have transfered my shadow works to paper with the aid of artist/photographer Nico Bick and call them Permanent Projections.
The work and the process was shared in Amsterdam during a preview at Vrijpaleis, an exhibit in PSprojectspace (2019) and at the Huiskamer (2020) where some collective reflection on the process and results took place.
The work was supported by the AFK.
Material: plastic wrapping, paper, celotape, photography, overheadprojector